Maison P. Jobin & Cie
Maison P. Jobin & Cie




Green Coffee - Foundation Level



For whom ? Aimed at beginners concerned about obtaining foundations in a new field.


Minimal time for the course : 6 hours


Written test : On line


Practical test : 45 minutes



Prior recommendations : 


Before the foundation level theoretical course, it is recommended to follow these modules :


1. Introduction to Coffee


2. Sensory Skills - Foundation Level 


We advise you to follow this course connected to cupping because of the practical test that takes place during the exam. Thereby, the candidates will already be familiar with the cupping protocol.



Contents of the course : 


Theoretical foundations :

  • Botany :
    • Distinguish the different varieties and species of coffee.
  • Origin of the coffee.
  • Regions of coffee production.


Worldwide production : 

  • Division of species.
  • Production figures.


Agricultural holdings :

  • Distinguish small-scale farmers from large holdings.
  • Management structure of the plantation.


Coffee processing : 

  • Harvest.
  • Wet processing operations.
  • Dry processing operations.
  • Natural pulping.
  • Drying.
  • Milling.


Markets :

  • Futures.
  • Physical markets.


Storage and transport.




Decaffeination :

  • What is decaffeination ?
  • What is caffeine ?


Control equipment :

  • Screens.
  • Moisture meter.


Version imprimable | Plan du site
Maison P. Jobin & Cie S.A.S. A company of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe - Océane Building - 2 avenue Foch 76600 Le Havre Cedex - France - all rights reserved