Green Coffee - Intermediate Level
For whom ? Aimed at anyone already working in this sector and eager to improve their knowledge.
Before registering to this module, it is recommended to have followed :
- Introduction to Coffee
- Green Coffee - Foundation Level
- Sensory Skills - Foundation Level
Minimal time for the course : 12 hours
Written test : On line
Practical test : 105 minutes
Contents of the course :
Theoretical foundations :
- The expansion of botanical species cultivated in the countries of origin up to the actual producing countries.
- The importance of botany.
- In which parts of the world does the coffee grow ?
Worldwide production :
- Global statistics on the production.
Cultivation :
- Management of the plantation.
- Seasonality and harvest cycles.
Coffee processing :
- Harvesting.
- Wet processing operations.
- Dry processing operations.
- Natural pulping.
- Drying.
- Milling.
- Defects.
Markets :
- Physical market versus futures.
- Concept of differential.
- Arbitration.
- Contracts.
Storage and transport :
- Incoterms.
- Shipping documents.
- Landing protocol.
- Storage.
Certifications :
- Establish the essential differences between the certification systems.
- Emphasize on the certification being ensured by a third party.
Decaffeination :
- Compare the American and European standards.
- Establish the different stages of decaffeination and indicate the main solvents.
Control equipment :
- Setting up a cupping lab.