For whom ? Intended to complete the knowledge acquired during the Foundation Level and to prepare the candidates to more complex features in the sensory analysis.
Minimal time for the course : 12 hours
Written test : On line
Practical test : 65 minutes
Prior recommendations :
Before the Intermediate Level theoretical course, it is recommended to follow these modules :
1. Introduction to Coffee
2. Green Coffee – Foundation Level and Intermediate Level
Contents of the course :
Theoretical principles :
Physiology and sensory attributes :
Taste and texture in the coffee field.
Intensity of the solutions.
Positive and negative attributes.
Psychological factors.
Triangle test :
Cupping processes used :
Why do we need a cupping protocol?
Communicate the results.
Key terminology.
SCA cupping form.
How to integrate the sensory analysis and its applications in your activity :
Equipment, maintenance and staff.
What is a panel?
Implementation of the sensory panel.
Discriminating test vs descriptive test.
Tasters calibration.